Early start today. Tom managed to do the exercise routine, really a beauty to be hold.
Out the door for 6.15 with the smell of burning house in the air. I would like to point out that the building was empty, with no reported injuries, I'm not that heartless that I'd mock a series house fire.
Anyhow to the ferry. We enjoyed the Brodick 7.00 ferry and headed straight for the breakfast. After an irn bru and 2 square sausage sandwiches. The world seemed a better place. Nice wee ferry the ardrossan to brodick ferry.
When we got to Brodick it was shut, it reminded me of the last time I was in Brodick, height of summer. Saturday afternoon, shut.
The truth is you shouldn't venture to Arran if its for anything that you want to be open, but rather embrace the lovely countryside and views across the waters. Most amazing was spotting 2 dear. Not in the distance but barely a few metres away and not phased by our presence,
We faired well of our traversal to Lochranza in time for our next ferry to Clanaig.
Back on the mainland we kept to the main roads, the A82 and A816. Good roads, reasonably quiet.
2nd breakfast was held in Target before a lovely 8 mile stretch up to lochgilphead.
For the first time there was some rain, yes it was the fine rain that soaks right through.
Not much going on our journey today, no dead badgers like there was outside Dumfries.
And so that was the story of the day, main roads, light drizzle and lovely scenery, before arriving into the pretty town of Oban
After we freshened up we had a lovely act of kindness in the form if a bag of medicine, supplies, supports and other such medicinal aids
Day 9 facts
Day 9 mileage 77 (not including ferry mileage)
Total mileage 714
Random act of kindness 1
Number of hills pushed up 0
Number of highland coos spotted 3
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